Hi, folks.
For anyone who may be wondering, For Those About To Mock is officially closing its electronic doors. We haven't posted anything in a year, but I wanted to come back and put a bow on this site, and express my gratitude for the opportunity I had over the years to contribute to this blog.
A few months ago, I accepted a new job; I love what I'm doing, but the new position doesn't really intersect with children's literature or programming. Similarly, our other contributors have also moved into new jobs or new phases in their lives.
I learned so much from my time writing here. I met fantastic people through my interactions in this space, many of whom have become dear friends. I want to thank my fellow bloggers, each of whom, in some way, made me a more incisive reviewer, a more careful reader, and a better person. Thanks to all the publishers who sent us review copies, the readers of and commenters on our posts, and the authors who made any of this discussion possible. I'm grateful to each and every one of you.
It's possible, I suppose, that I might reopen this at some point. I only got about halfway to our goal of reviewing all the historical Newbery winners, and there are past reviews of mine that could stand to be revisited. (My glowing review of The Island of the Blue Dolphins, for instance, completely leaves out any discussion of the more problematic colonial aspects of the text, and I'd write it very differently now.) But until or unless that day comes, consider this a fond farewell.
May your reading adventures bring you comfort, joy, new perspectives and ideas, and a richer, kinder life.